Throughout our journeys, we’ve come to deeply respect the timeless wisdom of the wilderness. By slowing running water, spreading crawling water, and embracing the stillness of soaking water, we pave the way for abundant ecosystems. It’s a dance with nature, and we’re here to lead, learn, and let nature take its course.

“During a project in Natureville, we transformed a barren patch into a thriving ecosystem. A year later, the local children had a natural playground, and wildlife returned.” – F.E.R.A.Lways story


One Site Visit + Recommendations

₹ 16000 onwards

One Site Visit + Recommendations (16000INR+Tax+ Travel & Boarding)

FERALways will visit the site, engage with the client about their vision for the space. After observing and assessing conditions, we will give you a set of recommendations.

This does include a brief report of our observations and other resources that the client might use e.g. maps, contacts, materials, markets etc.

It does not include any design work.
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Follow up Site visits

₹ 8000 onwards

Follow up Site visits (8000INR+Tax + Travel & Boarding)

We conduct “in and out”, ‘Onsite Farm Planning Sessions’ — these are a cost-effective means to determine key outcomes that will take you & your property forward.

Perhaps you have a situation that needs an experienced eye or you need a review. We can guide you on how your operation can become more productive and get you closer to your goals.
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Conceptual Design + Recommendations

₹ 16000 (initial visit) +
₹ 8000 (follow up)
₹ 8000 per acre for design

Conceptual Design + Recommendations (8000INR + Tax + Travel & Boarding)

FERALways will make multiple visits to the site, observe and assess conditions and discuss the owner’s vision in detail.

We will then submit a design based on the client’s requirements along with a set of recommendations. This design will only be conceptual and not include any detailed planning.

This will be supported by a report summarizing our inputs, along with useful information and materials (e.g. on planting, soils, management), as well as contacts of vendors, suppliers and anyone else we think you should connect with.
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Detailed Succession Planning

₹ 26000 onwards

Detailed Succession Planning (26000INR+Tax + Travel & Boarding)

Having been affected by poor succession decisions, this is an issue that is very close to our hearts and minds.

Our approach is inclusive, participatory, and family-friendly, aimed at assisting you in finding solutions that will benefit multiple generations on your land.

This is what any landscape and community needs in order for us to collectively develop and maintain a truly regenerative culture.
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Full Project

Price on Request

Full Project (Price+Tax+ Travel & Boarding)

This is a longer term engagement with FERALways. A master plan is done for the site - based on a detailed assessment study and the client’s vision.

The design will be presented as detailed maps, attached with a written report. This will include illustrations and photographs, along with resources (e.g. vendors, useful contacts, books, websites etc)

The implementation will be the responsibility of the client with guidance from us. This can be tailored in the form of e-mails, video, phone conversations, in-person meetings and resource sharing.

This requires a contractual agreement to be signed with FERALways.
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Broad scale - ₹6000 per day Detailed - ₹8000 per day

Earthworks Implementation (Price+Tax+ Travel & Boarding)

Implementing "Earthworks" means using soil or loose rocks to change the surface of the earth to make things like ponds, walls made of rocks in cages (gabions), small dams, raised strips of earth (berms), ditches, canals, barriers in streams (weirs), and pools. This work helps manage and store water.

We begin with broad scale earthworks that focusses on ecological stability of the land.

And then proceed to detail earthworks based on the personal preferences of the client.
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₹ 26000 onwards

Planting implementation (Price+Tax+ Travel & Boarding)

Planting implementation includes sourcing suitable plants and seeds, spacing and marking plant locations, digging pits, staking, mulching, and creating berms for water retention.

The focus is on multi-functional plants that support ecological stability and meet human needs.

These support species are crucial because they help maintain a balanced ecosystem, making the environment more resilient and productive.
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Ongoing support

Price on Request

Ongoing support

In the context of a wholistic regenerative approach, we believe that we are successful when we are redundant and even obsolete.

However we understand that for some the course they’re on is going to need a bit more of a sharp eye, a keen ear and an extended hand.

FERALways are available to continue the conversation beyond the delivery of our original services.

Sometimes a quick call, email or video session may be all that is needed. Otherwise we provide ongoing consultancy and design services along with extended specialist education and product support.
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Nature's Pulse

We strive to make water abundant and self-sustaining to help regenerate natural resources on your property.

If you’re looking to manage water resources on your land, we provide comprehensive services in the following areas:

  • Stormwater management (earthworks) – We analyze land contours and watersheds, calculate rainfall, and design earthworks to capture and infiltrate water. Our strategies include passive irrigation and enhancing existing waterflows.
  • Tanks, Ponds and water bodies – We create surface water bodies that serve for water storage, infiltration, and also add aesthetic value.
  • Roof water harvesting – We offer strategies for collecting roof water, including storage solutions and vendor recommendations.
  • Groundwater recharge – We assess aquifers, suggest locations for recharge wells, and provide vendor and installation advice.
  • Greywater & Blackwater management – We design systems for managing water from kitchens, utilities, and bathrooms, focusing on both passive and active maintenance solutions.

The Breath Of Earth

From the thick forests to thriving food gardens, we work hard to make every area alive with purpose and rich in diverse plant life.

  • Plant Selection: We choose plants that fit right in. Our lists are tailored to each area’s climate and soil, making sure every plant thrives.
  • Planting Plans: We plan with the future in mind. Our planting strategies are all about what resources are available now and what the land might need later.
  • Earthworks & Species Selection: We keep our eyes on the dirt—literally. Our choice of plants and landscaping methods aim to get your soil back to its best, fast.
  • Maintenance & Care: We provide easy-to-follow guides that help you keep your garden healthy for a long time.
  • Nursery Design & Propagation: From planting the seed to picking the fruit, we handle it all. You can count on us to set up a nursery that suits your needs perfectly.

Wholistic Planning & Implementation

We believe in providing value, transparency, and empowerment. Our ‘Onsite Farm Meetings’ are custom-tailored to align with your vision and needs. Using an ecological restoration framework we consider every facet of your land.

Clients often seek improved functionality and enhanced site potential. The plans we co-create are straightforward and actionable. With the help of advanced GIS software and precise reports, you choose the designs that align with your aspirations and resources.